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Study Skills

North Hills Middle School is focused on developing study skills among students. Study skills are an effective use of appropriate techniques to complete a learning task. Organization, time management and note taking are the three main areas of focus.

  • Organization
    • Goal Setting
    • Planners: Paper or Write-In Planner (WIP) app such as Egenda*
    • Locker organization
    • Backpack organization
  • Time Management
    • Prioritizing tasks
    • Proper use of time in class
  • Note Taking
    • Test taking strategies
    • Use of graphic organizers
    • Pre-Reading Strategies
      • Vocabulary


Egenda is a Write-In Planner (WIP) app available to all NHMS students. Students should utilize this app (or paper planner, if preferred) daily. Parents/guardians should work with their child at home to remind them to use their planner and write in it every day. Watch this video for more information about Egenda.

The middle school’s emphasis on study skills is part of the district’s three-year Comprehensive Plan with the idea that these invaluable skills can translate to any content area to aid in the student’s academic success.

Each quarter, the middle school will release skills tips and reminders to students. Each quarter's tips will be linked below.

Quarterly Tips and Reminders